A Full Guide to SSL Port

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By Vijay Singh Khatri

SSL, or Secure Sockets Layer, is a security protocol designed to protect and secure data during Internet network communication. This innovation’s primary application is to complete the verification and encryption of information for data transmission over the internet.

Furthermore, SSL is in charge of encrypting data sent across the internet between two systems or between a client and a server in order to keep it private. You can also send data without using the SSL port. The port number is one way to identify a secure link.

The SSL port not only helps to secure your network connection, but it also notifies you if it is not secure at all. It is equally important to be aware of HTTPS port numbers if you are using SSL. HTTPS associations use TCP port 443. HTTP uses port 80 for its shaky convention.

People might never know about the SSL Port in website security. However, this content will introduce you to the SSL port and what exactly it does.

What is SSL Port and its usage?

The SSL and HTTP ports are in communication with one another. HTTP is a port that is similar to HTTPS. Furthermore, HTTPS works by establishing a secure HTTP link with SSL. As a result, the HTTPS and HTTP protocol stacks are very similar.

The main difference is that HTTPS uses SSL. To protect and encrypt the network connection, an SSL certificate should be installed on the web server. It also aids in validating the organization’s identity by activating the HTTPS convention, which allows information to be safely passed from a web server to an internet browser.

It is critical to first understand the use of SSL in order to better understand the SSL port functions.

Usage of SSL port;

Previously, data on the internet was sent and received in plaintext, which meant that anyone who intercepted the message could easily read it or compromise the private information. For example, whenever you go to a shopping website to buy something and make a payment, you must enter your payment information, such as your credit or debit card information. Furthermore, your personal information and data would be available on the Internet without any safeguards, and anyone would be able to read them.

Data is easily transmitted in readable form or as a plain text message when you connect to an ordinary, unprotected website.

This data frequently jumps between servers before arriving at its destination, creating numerous opportunities for a hacker or data thief to capture it.

Since then, SSL was introduced to address this issue and ensure the data privacy and security of clients on the internet. By encoding any information that goes between a client and a web server, SSL guarantees that any individual who catches the information can just see a mixed wreck of characters. Such as, any customer’s Mastercard number is currently protected and could only appear on the shopping website where they entered it.

Moreover, SSL additionally stops particular sorts of digital attacks and leakage of information. SSL helps in this by validating the web servers. It is crucial as hackers or attackers will regularly attempt to set up dummy websites to manipulate the users and take the information.

How does the SLL and HTTPS work?

HTTP, as we all know, is not a separate protocol from HTTPS. Along with the use of SSL, HTTPS also aids in the establishment of a secure HTTP link. As a result, the HTTP, HTTPS, and SSL protocols are very similar and work well together.

However, one significant difference between HTTP and HTTPS is that HTTPS is secured with SSL. It is critical to implement SSL authentication on the web server in order to establish a secure network connection. It aids in the authentication of the organization’s identity for the purposes of activating the HTTPS protocol. As a result, HTTPS secures data and information by encrypting it between the webserver and the internet browser.

LayerHTTP Protocol StacksHTTPS Protocol stack
Application layerHTTPHTTP
Security layerSSL (TLS)
Transport laterTCPTCP
Network layerIPIP
Data Link LayerNetwork interfacesNetwork Interfaces

Difference between Certificate and Protocols

Overall, there is a significant difference between the “HTTPS protocol” and “SSL certificates.” However, these are the two primary components for establishing a secure web association.

  • The HTTPS protocol provides a gateway through which encrypted data is processed and securely communicated.
  • The SSL certificate, on the other hand, is primarily used to validate important data when a customer attempts to send data over a secure and private network connection.

All this process keeps on going so that a safe network connection is set up and controlled by server settings and not simply by the certificate.

Moving further, it is also essential to know the common SSL ports if you are reasonably managing and configuring the web hosting account. Below are some common SSL ports.


Port NumberFunction


Port NumberFunctions
110POP – Incoming
995POP SSL – Incoming
143IMAP – Incoming
993IMAP SSL – Incoming
25, 80, 3535SMTP – Outgoing
465SMTP SSL – Outgoing


Port NumberFunction
2082cPanel TCP inbound
2083cPanel SSL TCP inbound
2086WHM TCP inbound
2087WHM SSL TCP inbound
2089WHM SSL TCP inbound
2095Webmail TCP inbound

How are SSL and TLS different from each other?

TLS, also known as Transport Layer Security, is an updated version of the SSL protocol. Initially, in 1995, the first SSL protocol was developed by Netscape. After that, SSL 2.0 was launched and made available publicly. Since then, updates have been made to guarantee more protective and safer encryption.

After that, TLS 1.0 was launched as the updated SSL 3.0 in 1999. From that point forward, TLS has been the essential innovation used to get encrypted and secure information and data connections over the Internet and SSL from that point forward.

Additionally, the term SSL is all the more broadly known, yet the name carries on despite the depreciating technology.

What is your SSL port and how does it secure your connection?

Concerning the SSL ports mentioned above, you should now have a clear understanding of the HTTP and HTTPS SSL ports. Without a doubt, your SSL port is critical for a variety of reasons.

To begin, HTTP is not the most secure protocol. According to the Google Transparency Report, more than 70% of pages in the United States are loaded through HTTPS in Google Chrome. Similarly, there are numerous advantages to using HTTPS rather than HTTP. Whether you’re using Google Chrome or another web browser, your browser examines whether or not your website is secure via the SSL port, so it’s important to make sure your website is on a secure port (HTTPS).

As a result, using SSL to protect your websites and network traffic from third-party or hacker attacks is critical. If HTTPS is used to serve your website, an additional security layer is added. It will safeguard your website against hackers and other types of digital fraud. Hackers typically examine your network movements to gain access to your private data, such as user login details or personal information, in digital eavesdropping.

As a result, if your website is served via HTTPS, the connection is fully encrypted, which helps to protect the website from online threats.


To summarize, as we are all aware and concerned about website security nowadays, using a website without SSL certificates may jeopardize your privacy.

Furthermore, users are well aware of the importance of online security. As a result, they are less likely to make a purchase from your website if their information is not secure.

As a result, it is critical to provide users with a fully secure and encrypted platform. After all, the user’s account contains sensitive information such as their credentials and Mastercard or debit card information, and no one wants this vital information compromised.

Perhaps, if your website is meant to be a not-secure one, the traffic and users might automatically divert to other secure websites to buy the same things. One more important aspect to look at is that most web browsers, like Google Chrome, show the security situation of a website in the search bar. Hence, approaching a non-secure website will be highlighted with a lock icon on the search bar, or similarly, with a secure website and with the word “secure” on top of the bar.

Categories SSL

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