Bash Cheat Sheet

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By Vijay Singh Khatri

Bash is vast and comes with various commands and several syntaxes. If you are a developer working with Bash scripting, you should be aware of all frequently used basic commands. You can use this sheet for quick reference.

Let’s get started with this bible for Bash scripting.


These are the basic commands for any Linux or script developer.

env – specifies all the environment variables
echo $SHELL – specifies the shell that is currently is in use
echo $BASH_VERSION – show the version of the bash you are using
bash – starts the bash shell
whereis bash – helps to locate the binary, source, and other details of a command
which bash – display process or program is executed as ‘bash’
clear – it clears the content on the window and hides the displayed lines


These commands will help you to play around with files and perform various tasks accordingly.

ls – display all the files present in current directory
ls -l – display the long listing of all the files containing the size of the file, who owns the file and its access permission and when it was last modified
ls -a – display all the files in ‘long format’ along with the hidden files
ln -s <filename> <link> – it will create a symbolic link to the specified file
readlink <filename> – it displays where a symbolic links points to
tree – it displays all the directories and subdirectories in a readable file tree
touch <filename> – it will create and modify the mentioned file
cat <filename> – it displays the file raw content
tail <filename> – it will show the last lines of file
vim <filename> – the specified will open in VIM text editor, will create that file if it doesn’t exist
mv <filename1> <dest> – moves a file to destination
cp <filename1> <dest> – it will copy the file to the specified destination
rm <filename> – it will remove the specified file
find . -name <name> <type> – it will look for the specified file or a directory in the current directory and all its sub-directories
diff <filename1> <filename2> – it will compare the two mentioned files, and their differences
wc <filename> – it will display the number of lines, words and characters in a file.
rev – it will reverse the string characters
chmod -options <filename> – allows you to change the read, write, and execute permissions
gzip <filename> – it compresses the specifed file using gzip algorithm
gunzip <filename> – it uncompresses the specified file compressed by gzip
gzcat <filename> – you can check the gzipped file without actually gunzipping it
lpr <filename> – it will print the specified file
lpq – it will look for the printer queue
lprm <jobnumber> – allows you to remove anything from the printer queue
dvips <filename> – it will display the .dvi files
grep <pattern> <filenames> – it will look for the string in the files
grep -r <pattern> <dir> – it will search recursively for a specified pattern in directory
head -n file_name | tail +n – it will display the nth line from the mentioned file.


These commands allow you to work with directories and subdirectories available in the system.

mkdir <dirname> – it creates a new directory
rmdir <dirname> – it removes an empty directory
rmdir -rf <dirname> – it will remove a non-empty directory
mv <dir1> <dir2> – it will rename the specified directory from <dir1> to <dir2>
cd – it will change the directory to home
cd .. – it will change the directory to the parent directory
cd <dirname> – it will change the directory to the mentioned dirname
cp -r <dir1> <dir2> – it will copy all the contents of dir1 to <dir2>
pwd – it specified the current working directory
cd ~ – it will change the directory to home.
cd – – it will change the current working directory to previous working directory


With the help of variables, you can easily handle even more complex tasks.

varname=value – you can define a variable
echo $varname – you can check the value of the variable
echo $$ – it will display the process ID of the current shell
column -t <filename> – it will show the details in pretty columns
let <varname> = <equation> – it will carry out the mathematical calculation using arithmetic operators
export VARNAME=value – it will define the environment variable
array[0]=valA – method 1- defining an array
array=([2]=valC [0]=valA [1]=valB) – method 2- of defining the array
array=(valA valB valC) – method 3- defining an array
declare -a – define variables as arrays
declare -f – it will use the function names only
declare -F – it will show the function names without definitions
declare -i – define variables as integers
declare -r – it will define the read-only variables
${- varname} – it will return the length of the variable’s value as a character string


These commands will allow you to work with the network, making the required settings, checking details of the available network, user, space on the system, and others.

ssh user@host – you can connect to the host as the user
ssh -p <port> user@host – you can connect to host on the specified port as user
ssh-copy-id user@host – it allows you to add ssh key to the host for the user for passwordless login
whoami – it will display the username
su <user> – it lets you switch to a different user
su – – you can switch to root (sudo su -)
sudo <command> – it lets you run the command as the root user
passwd – allows you to change the password
date – display the current date and time
cal – it will display the month’s calendar
uptime – it will display the current uptime
w – uit will show whois online at the time
finger <user> – it will specify the information about the specified user
uname -a – it will display all the kernel-related information
man <command> – it will display the manual for mentioned command
help – it will display the documentation regarding the built-in commands and functions
df – it will display the disk usage
du <filename> – it will display the disk usage of the mentioned files and directories in the filename
last <yourUsername> – it will display all your last logins
ps -u your username – it will display all your processes
kill <PID> – it allows you to kill the specified processes with the ID
killall <processname> – it lets you kill all processes with the specified process name
fg <job> – it will bring the specified job to the foreground
ping <host> – it allows you to ping the host and outputs results
whois <domain> – it will let you check whois information for a specified domain
dig <domain> – you will get all the DNS-related information for the domain
dig -x <host> – it will reverse the lookup host
wget <file> – it allows you to download the specified file

COMMAND-LINE Processing Cycle

Below is the command-line processing cycle. The default order that is being followed for the command lookup is functions, built-ins, scripts, and executables. You can use the following built-ins to override the order:

command – it will remove the alias and function lookup.
builtin – it will look up only built-in commands that ignore the functions and commands available in the PATH
enable – it will enable and disable the shell built-ins

INPUT/OUTPUT Redirectors

These commands will help you redirect the error, input, and output to a specified file separately for debugging purposes.

< file – take the standard input from the specified file
> file – provide the standard output to the specified file
>> file – move the standard output to file
>|file – force the standard output to file
n>|file – force the output to file from file descriptor n
<> file – use the file as both standard input and output
n>file – move the specified file descriptor n to file
n<file -file descriptor n from the file
n>>file – file description n to file. It will append to file if it already exists
n>& -duplicate standard output to file descriptor n
n<& – duplicate the standard input from file descriptor n
<&- -close the standard input
>&- – complete the standard output
n>&- – close the output from file descriptor n

Process Handling

Using these commands, you can handle the run, stop, and other processes available on your system.

myCommand & – this command will run the job in the background and prompts back the shell
jobs – it will display all the jobs
fg – it will bring the background job into the foreground
fg %string – it will bring the job whose command begins with the string
kill -l – it will return all signals on the system
kill PID – it will terminate the process with specified PID
kill -s SIGKILL 4500 – it will send a signal to terminate the process
ps -a – it will select all the processes with a tty except session leaders
disown <PID|JID> – it will remove the process from the list of jobs
wait – it will allow you to wait until all background jobs have finished


These are the comparison operators that allow you to compare strings, files, and numbers.

str1 == str2 – it will matches the str1 with str2
str1 != str2 – str1 is not equal str2
str1 < str2 – str1 is less than str2 (in case of strings, it is alphabetically)
str1 > str2 – str1 is greater than str2 (in case of strings, it is alphabetically)
str1 \> str2 – str1 will be sorted after str2
str1 \< str2 – str1 will be sorted before str2
-a file – specify that the file exists
-d file – specify that the file exists and is a directory
-e file – specify that the file exists
-f file – specify that the file exists
-r file – specify that the user has the read permission on the specific file
-s file – specify that the file exists and is not empty
-w file – specify that the user has the write permission on the specific file
-x file – specify that the user has the execute permission on file
-O file – user own file
-lt – stands for less than
-le – stands for less than or equal
-eq – specifies the equal operator
-ge – stands for greater than or equal
-gt – stands for greater than
-ne – stands for not equal

Control Statements

These control statements are used to control the flow of the execution of the code. There are different types of control statements.

if condition



[elif condition

then code…]




for x in {1..10}




for name [in list]


Code that can use $name


for (( initialisation ; ending condition ; update ))




case expression in

pattern1 )


pattern2 )



select name [in list]


Code that can use $name


while condition; do



until condition; do




If you are a bash script developer, this cheat sheet will be beneficial for your quick reference to various syntax and commands. We have summed up the most frequently used commands in this sheet to help you prepare for your upcoming interviews. If you have any questions, ask us in the comments section.

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