A Complete Guide and List of HTTP Code

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By Vijay Singh Khatri

Your website’s HTTP status codes may be ignored by your visitors. However, these codes must be noticed and addressed because they are also required as part of a general and SEO health assessment of websites. When a browser interacts with your website, HTTP status codes are typically displayed. This code indicates whether or not there is an issue with the website. Furthermore, Google requires these codes.

As a result, HTTP status codes play a critical role. As a result, understanding HTTP codes and what each legend means is critical. This article will teach you everything you need to know about HTTP status codes.

What are HTTP Status Codes?

When you enter or select a URL and press Enter, the browser sends the request to the webserver for the webpage you’re attempting to access. The server receives the request, processes it, and then returns the important assets to the client along with an HTTP header.

HTTP status codes are typically received by your browsers through HTTP headers. Simultaneously, status codes are returned to your browser whenever you request a website page or asset. However, you can’t just look at them.

It’s usually only when something goes wrong that you’ll see one on your browser’s screen. You can also think of it as the server’s way of informing you that something is either wrong or right. Nonetheless, numerous tools are available to help you check status code.

Moving on, HTTP status codes are further classified into classes. There are five different types of status codes. These classes primarily consist of responses that have similar meanings. However, it is critical to ascertain the precise meaning of each class. Understanding the specific meaning will be aided by a better understanding of code classes.

The five classes are as follow;

  • 100s – This code states that the request sent by the browser is still under process.
  • 200s – It is a code class for successful requests, and it is normally returned when the browser’s request gets back, and is processed by the webserver.
  • 300s – It is a redirection code class; it is returned when you get a new resource instead of the requested one.
  • 400s – These are client errors codes, and depicts error within the sent request
  • 500s – The server error code shows that the request your browser sent was accepted; however, due to a web server error, it couldn’t be completed successfully.

Why HTTP status codes matter to the SEO (Search engine optimization)

SEO, also known as search engine optimization, is associated with these status codes in a roundabout way. While crawling your website, the SEO bots directly examine the HTTP status codes. This code can sometimes influence whether and how your pages are indexed, as well as how web engines perceive the health of your website.

In general, HTTP status codes at the 100 and 200 levels have no effect on your SEO. These HTTP codes indicate that everything on your site is working properly and allow web search tools to progress in their direction. In any case, they will not back up your rankings.

However, the 400 and 500 level codes are more important because their responses may prevent bots from crawling and indexing your pages. Many of these errors can also indicate that your site isn’t up to par, potentially lowering your rankings.

In terms of SEO, 300-level codes are a little more complicated. The primary concern is comprehending the effects of both permanent and temporary redirects.

Overall, permanent redirects share link equity from backlinks, whereas temporary code does not. Overall, when you use temporary redirects for pages that have moved, the SEO benefit from all of your external link building is lost.

List of complete HTTP status codes

There are around 40 different status codes. Yet, in most cases, you are more likely to encounter a few on a regular basis. Below is the list of complete HTTP status codes for your better understandings;

1. 100 Status Codes:

  • 101: It states that your browser has sent the request and the server has received it, and now it is ready to send the request further to the body. It helps the request to be processed more accurately, as it also prevents browsers from sending requests even after being rejected by headers.
  • 101: It is a switching protocol, and it shows that the browser has requested the server to change protocols, and the server compiled
  • 103: Also known as “early hints,” these codes show the response of headers even before the server is actually ready to respond.

2. 200 Status code

  • 200: It shows everything is OK. It mainly appears when a page or resource acts precisely in the manner in which it’s relied upon.
  • 201: The server has satisfied the browser’s request and subsequently created another resource.
  • 202: It states the request was accepted. When the server has acknowledged your browser’s request, yet it is still handling Finally, the request could possibly bring about a complete response.
  • 203: This status code might appear when you use a proxy. It shows that the used proxy server is working totally OK from the main server but has adjusted the response prior to giving it to your program.
  • 204: It shows “No Content.” This code implies that the server has effectively handled the request yet won’t return any content.
  • 205: Similar to the 204 code, this implies that the server has handled the request, yet it won’t return any content. However, it likewise demands that the browser reset the document view.
  • 206: When your HTTP client or your browser utilizes “range headers,” this code will appear. This empowers your browser to continue the stop downloads or also to split the downloads into numerous streams. A 206 code is sent when a reach header makes the server send just a part of the demanded resource.

3. 300 status codes

  • 300 – Sometimes, the server replies to a browser with numerous potential resources to satisfy the browser’s request. A 300 status code implies that your browser currently needs to select out of them. This might happen when there are various file extensions accessible, or if the server is encountering word sense disambiguation.
  • 301 – This code appears when a website page or requested resource has been replaced permanently with a new or alternate one. It is used for permanent URL redirection.
  • 302 – In case your browser sent the request to the server or resource. However, when it’s unable to find or locate the resource, you will see this code. It is used for brief URL redirection.
  • 303 – You need to know about the difference in primary HTTP methods to understand the 303 status code. Basically, a 303 code enables and informs the browser that the requested resource is found by means of POST, PUT, or DELETE. In any case, to recover it utilizing GET, you really want to make the proper request to an unexpected URL in comparison to the one you recently utilized.
  • 304 – This code lets the browser know that the resource stored in the browser cache hasn’t changed. It’s used to accelerate website page delivery by reusing the previously downloaded resource.
  • 307– The code “320 Found” is replaced by this status code as the proper activity when a resource has been briefly moved to an alternate URL. Unlike the 302 status code, it doesn’t permit changing the HTTP method.
  • 308– This HTTP code is also a replacement for the 301. It doesn’t permit changing the HTTP method and demonstrates that the requested resource is presently located at another URL.

4. 400 status codes

  • 400 – It states a bad request. When the server can’t deliver a response due to some error from the user’s end.
  • 401 – When the requested source does not have verified credentials, this is returned by the server. You may often see this type of status code when setting up essential HTTP authentication utilizing htpasswd.
  • 402: It states that “payment is required.” This code was developed for the digital cash system online. However, it’s utilized by numerous platforms to demonstrate that a request can’t be satisfied due to a lack of required payment.
  • 403 – This code appears when a user tries to get to something that they don’t have consent to see. For instance, if you try to open a password protected content without any login credentials will deliver a 403 error.
  • 404 – It is a usual error code that mostly appears for all users. This code implies that the mentioned resource doesn’t exist, and the server dont know its existence.
  • 405 – You would see this code when the target host does not support the method received, yet the main server did.
  • 406 – It basically shows “Not satisfactory reaction.” The mentioned resource could only create content that isn’t adequate as per the acknowledged headers sent in the request.
  • 407 – This code shows when the proxy server demands your browser to validate itself prior to proceeding.
  • 408 – When the sent request takes a long time to complete from the browser, this code will appear. Moreover, this error occurs when the server didn’t get the full request that was sent by the browser. The loose data packets from browser to server end, could cause this error.
  • 409 – A 409 status code implies that the request sent by the browser is unable to be handled by the server, as there might be any conflict with the applicable resource. This occasionally happens due to numerous edits simultaneously.
  • 410 – This is like a 404 “Not Found” code, with the exception of a 410 shows that the condition is normal and super durable.

5. 500 Status code

  • 500 – The error would show as “There was a mistake on the server and the request couldn’t be completed.” This is more generic code that essentially states that “interior server error.” There would be something wrong with the server and the resource requested.
  • 501 – This code demonstrates that the server doesn’t uphold the feature demanded to complete the request. This is quite often an issue on the web server itself and generally should be settled by the host.
  • 502 – When one server has gotten an invalid reaction from another, especially when the user is using a proxy, this code will appear. Sometimes, it takes a bit of time to process the request, resulting in its being dropped or killed by the server and connection.
  • 503 – The server is not available to respond to the given request at the present time. ” The solicitation can’t be finished now. This code might be returned by an overload that can’t deal with new requests.
  • 504 – When the two servers are linked in processing the request, and the first one gets a timeout and writes to the second server to reply, this HTTP code will show up.
  • 505 – This error is displayed when a user utilizes the HTTP form to make a request but is not supported by the server.
  • 508 – When you see “Asset Limit Is Reached,” then this code implies that the limits on resources set by your web host have already been reached.
  • 511 – This status code is sent when the tried network requires some type of confirmation prior to sending the request to the server. For example, to connect to any WIFI hotspot, you have to agree to the terms and conditions.


In a nutshell, HTTP status codes should never be ignored, as they are critical to understanding the connection between server and browser. Once you’ve mastered the most common HTTPS errors , you’ll be able to troubleshoot a variety of issues highlighted by HTTP codes.

As previously stated, all five classes of HTTP codes are required, and this occurs most of the time, whether something is correct or incorrect. Thus, if you want to maintain your website and ensure that it is always accessible to users, you must understand these HTTP codes.

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