Java vs Javascript

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By Vijay Singh Khatri

Technology is around us in every step of our lives. The transactions we do, the things we use, everything is based on programming and coding. Several programmers sit and work to make life more comfortable. Two regular terms are frequently confused. Java and JavaScript are the two that may have a common word in them, but they are different in many ways. Here the major differences, pros, and cons between Java and JavaScript are discussed.

What is Java?

This word is heard frequently in almost every application we use. Java is one of the programming languages used by developers. A company named Sun Microsystems developed this. Later, it was taken by Oracle. Java is full of variables and is simply an object-based, oriented programming language.

What is JavaScript?

On the other hand, JavaScript is different from Java. This is because there are simple syntaxes and rules. During the good olden days of internet explorer, one member working in Netscape made a program that can make the browser directly interact with the inputs given by the user. And during that time Java was very famous and to make this work popular, the script named Live script was named JavaScript.

The Major Differences between Java and JavaScript

  • There are many big differences between Java and JavaScript. In terms of using JavaScript, it is used in the making of web pages that look more interactive. Java is used in all appliances, credit cards, computer applications, parking tickets, gadgets, and so on.
  • JavaScript is a replacement for Flash and is useful in making animations. The codes of Java must be compiled, but JavaScript codes are just texts. The assembly and execution of these two are completely different.
  • For development on the server-side, we use Java, while for developing the client-side scripts, JavaScript is used just to improve the interactions. Companies like Uber, Google are using Java. Like Paypal, Netflix uses both Java and JavaScript.
  • Java is used in Android applications, software used by many enterprises, major scientific computing, and analysis of bigger data sets, as well as in some major technologies like Apache and Glassfish also.
  • The usage of JavaScript comes into play only for dynamic single-page applications. This can be used in some front-end technologies like AngularJS, Backbone.js, and others. Some server-side applications like Node.js and Express.js also use this.
  • The documentation of every detail in Java is available to the user, and it helps in forming standard programs. This will also help in forming reusable codes. Whereas JavaScript is open-source and is designed to make small scripts.
  • Because of the multiple tasking features, libraries are easily navigated using Java and the performance is always excellent. In JavaScript, we can extend the program so that we can use it for making larger applications.
  • Cross-compilation is allowed in JavaScript and a user can give immediate feedback. Java needs no mouse hovering, while JavaScript can work on mouse hovering.

Pros and Cons of Java and JavaScript

Java Pros

  • Java is a platform-independent language. On any platform, these Java programs are compiled. The bytecode used in this language helps in creating several programs for mobiles, desktops, and others.
  • Java is multitasking. This can work on multiple tasks at the same time, thus making every application run smoothly. This is called multi-threading.
  • Java is very robust because of the coding it is made of. Cracking this coding is difficult and thus makes it safe for any application. There are very few cases of Java crashing because of the errors.
  • Any class or object, as well as libraries, are all linked in this, making Java dynamic.This also supports the usage of C and C++, which makes Java extensible also.
  • Java, which ends non-block statements with a semicolon, will be using semicolons at the ends of lines.
  • Java has an implicit scope of a class, while JavaScript has an implicit global scope.

JavaScript Pros

  • JavaScript, on the other hand, is a client-side language that has simple execution steps. The simple source code is easily executed in any browser the client is using. Unlike Java, no server-side browser is needed to process the codes.
  • This JavaScript is used in creating frameworks that are powerful and also help in the process of development. Because of its ease of access, anyone can open the code and debug it. This access to the framework will also help in making the applications on the web more engaging.
  • JavaScript allows the client to use its procedure-based features. This, in turn, makes web applications even more creative. We can make loops and branches in this, which makes this the most popular language being used.
  • Java needs a class to make any program while JavaScript objects are based on the prototype. The stand-alone language is Java, whereas JavaScript is used within web pages. Learning JavaScript is easier than learning Java because of the ease of access.

Cons of Java and JavaScript

There are some cons while using these programming languages, knowing these will make people understand which of them can be used for their purpose.

  • Java uses a compiler named JIT, which is responsible for making any program slow. Using Java takes a lot of memory and also processing requirements as it is completely based on the codes. This is the reason why Java increases the cost of hardware.
  • Java does not provide any support for low-level programs like pointers. Before or after the execution of any task, Java cannot clean up the garbage as it is not made up of delete or free commands.
  • In the client-side JavaScript, there is a higher possibility of a security breach, so these scripts do not allow either reading or writing of any files.
  • In the networking application section, Javascript is not used as less support is available. JavaScript has the ability to save time, but it is not used for multithreading.


Though these two languages are popular and widely used, their usage in technology is different. Java is for making the most rugged software, while JavaScript makes enhanced and beautiful applications. The extensions that are used at the end of the program like Java indicate it’s a Java program while JS indicates JavaScript.

When it comes to career opportunities with Java and JavaScript, JavaScript developers earn more. Some of the oldest mobile applications are made using Java and are supported by Android also. JavaScript is also used in the development of different applications, but it again needs some third-party tools to help in the conversion of the code. Documentation and resources are available for learning Java and JavaScript, but the purpose must be checked. To build applications and programs we need Java. To make websites or any web-based applications, we need JavaScript.

Almost all operating systems will support the use of Java, and almost every web browser on any operating system uses JavaScript. Java uses a block-based scope in which the variables go out of scope once control comes out of a block. JavaScript relies on HTML and CSS. This is all function-based scoping, and variables can easily access the function.

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